Thank you for showing the contradictions in the Bible. Yes, it was written over a long period of time.The most important part in the new testament I like is when Jesus tells one of his followers ( I have forgotten who) "to forgive 70 times 7". I don't take that literally, except to mean, everyone needs to be forgiven many times, as many as possible.

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Matthew 18, verse 21, and verse 22". "Then Peter came up and said to him,"Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven." To me that means continue to forgive people in your life, truly forgive them in your heart, continue to forgive them all of your life, until you take your last breath. That is what Jesus did. and it hasn't been easy to do that at times. What has helped me forgive people in my life, is to look at my own mistakes, look into my heart everyday. I find if I can forgive myself for when I have done something insensitive and or wrong to someone else, or to forgive myself even, than it is easier for me to forgive others. I consciously put and visualize the person I am upset with having God's blessings and white light surrounding them. I used to be a very angry young person, and now I try to take a rigorous walk, disengage, meditate, talk to a trusted friend if I felt hurt by critical comments from another person. I might say to the person the next day how I felt, and then I consciously let it go.

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Thanks also for reminding those who are U.S. citizens to vote.

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